
GET a WAVES demo website following the next few steps. WAVES can run with Apache or Nginx with uWSGI


To run WAVES, it is strongly recommended to setup a dedicated user. Indeed, WAVES uses saga-python. This module will try to create directories (.radical and .saga) for which another user (such as www-data) might not have the rights to do so.

0. Prerequisites


In order to install WAVES you will need:
  • python 2.7.X (WAVES is not yet compatible with python 3.5)
  • pip package manager
  • A web server: Apache or NGINX
  • A database backend (Mysql or Postgres) but by default WAVES runs with sqlite

0.1 Install From sources, clone our repository:

git clone [waves_dir]

or download archive at and uncompress the archive in your destination directory ([waves_dir])

0.2 Install requirements:

  • $ cd [waves_dir]
  • [waves_dir]$ virtualenv .venv
  • [waves_dir]$ source .venv/bin/activate
  • (.venv)[waves_dir]]$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (.venv)[waves_dir]]$ pip install -r requirements/production.txt (for production)
  • (.venv)[waves_dir]]$ pip install -r requirements/mysql.txt (for mysql DB layer)

1. Install WAVES-Demo

1.1 Configuration files:

  • WAVES env configuration file:

    • (.venv)[waves_dir]$ cd src/waves_demo/settings/

    • (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/waves_demo/settings$ cp local.sample.env local.env

    • minimal setup requires these parameters:

      • SECRET_KEY=your-secret-key-to-keep-secret
      • REGISTRATION_SALT=generate-your-key
      • ALLOWED_HOSTS=your-host-name (Ex: localhost, for testing purpose)
    • you can set up as well your db connection params here (or in classical “DJANGO way” settings if you want)

1.2 Set up database:

  • Check parameters with: (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ check (pip install any missing dependencies)
  • See your configuration with: (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ waves config
  • If no setup, default database is used ~/[waves_dir]/waves.sample.sqlite3

1.2.1: Setup your database connection string (if not using sqlite default)

  • Create local.env (copy from local.env.sample located in waves_demo/settings/)
  • Setup line corresponding to your needs (DATABASE_URL)

1.2.2: Check everything is well.

(.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ check

1.2.3: Create migration files:

(.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ makemigrations


If you see this message:

You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'service' to demowavessubmission without a default; we can't do that (the database needs something to populate existing rows).
Please select a fix:
1) Provide a one-off default now (will be set on all existing rows with a null value for this column)
2) Quit, and let me add a default in

=> Select 1) option and set up default value to ‘1’ (this problem is due to swapping of default Service and Submission)

  • Create your database: (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ migrate
  • Create Superadmin user: (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ createsuperuser

1.2.4: Load sample data into your database (optional):

  • Demo database is initially setup from:

    (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ loaddata demo/fixtures/init.json

1.3 Test your server:

  • (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ runserver [ServerIP:ServerPort] --insecure

1.4 Start WAVES daemons:

  • (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ waves queue start
  • (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ waves purge start

waves queue command allow you to control daemon, available commands are start|stop|status

2. Configure the web server:

2.1 Production settings:

  • Create staticfiles (.venv)[waves_dir]/src/$ ./ collectstatic
  • Setup your server following instruction Django Docs

See also

UWSGI configuration at


You might experience some troubles with directories permissions when installing WAVES-demo on your web server on some directories: logs, jobs, data, binaries directories must be writable both from web user/group (www-data or apache) and by the user which launch the queue.